Improvements in the field of administration of justice through the analysis of European practice and Bulgarian judicial traditions in the field of criminal prosecution of those responsible for traffic accidents with the presence of victims/injured.

The “Open Palm” Foundation is a beneficiary of a project with registration number BG05SFOP001-3.003-0127-C01 and the name “Improvements in the field of administration of justice through an analysis of European practice and Bulgarian judicial traditions in the field of criminal prosecution of those responsible for traffic accidents and the identification of victims/injured”. Operational program “Good governance”, co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, priority axes “Transparent and efficient judicial system”, procedure name CITIZEN CONTROL OVER THE REFORM OF THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM with procedure code BG05SFOP001-3.003.
The following activities will be carried out within the project:
1. Analysis of European legislation in the field of road accident justice.
2. Analysis of European judicial practice in the field of road accident justice.
3. Analysis of the Bulgarian judicial traditions/practice in the field of administration of justice.
4. Conducting an information campaign, what actions should we take if we or our loved one
was injured in a traffic accident precisely for the purpose of more effective administration of justice.
5. Information and publicity
The objectives of the project are the following:
The main goal of the project is to carry out an initiative to improve the judicial system, for which analyzes of European legislation and judicial practice and an analysis of Bulgarian judicial practice will be carried out, comparing and looking for good practices that will be the basis for the initiative .
Друга цел на проекта е да се повиши информираността на гражданите, относно системата на правна помощ, като ще се проведе информационна кампания какви действия трябва да предприемат гражданите, в случай на ПТП с ранени или жертви. The specific goals to which the project is directed are directly linked to the identified problems and needs of the target groups and are proven by the results of the implemented project activities, as follows:
Specific objective No. 1: Analysis and comparison of European justice systems regarding the balance between punishment, enforcement and effectiveness especially in cases of road accidents with injured or victims;
SC 2: Conducting an information campaign to popularize the legal aid system and indicate the actions to be taken by a person in case of an accident;
CC 3: Adaptation of European good practices in our judicial system – through the results of the analyses, a number of good practices will be established and an assessment will be made which of them are applicable in our conditions and under our legal framework;
SC 4: Making recommendations for improvement in the judicial system by initiating legislative changes.
Source of funding: Operational program “Good governance”, co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, priority axes “Transparent and efficient judicial system”, procedure name CITIZEN CONTROL OVER THE REFORM OF THE JUDICIALSYSTEM with procedure code BG05SFOP001-3.003
Amount of BFP – BGN 99,058.17, of which BGN 84,199.44 is European and BGN 14,858.73 is national co-financing.
Project implementation period: 18 months
Final date of implementation of the project activities: 08.08.2022.

Operational program “Good governance” Priority axis “Transparent and efficient judicial system”, procedure “Civil control over the reform of the judicial system”