“Open hand” foundation has realized the following
Improvements in the field of administration of justice through the analysis of European practice and Bulgarian judicial traditions in the field of criminal prosecution of those responsible for traffic accidents with the presence of victims/injured.
Operational program "Good governance" Priority axis "Transparent and efficient judicial system", procedure "Civil control over the reform of the judicial system"
“Дунав – Река с много история” “Danube – A river with a lot of history”
Training of students in KK4 “Digital Competence” under the project “Training and career development of employees in “OVO BUL” EOOD – a priority sector of the economy, the processing industry with a higher added value of labor”
Operational program "Development of human resources 2014-2020", under the scheme "Training for employed persons"
Popularization of the VOMR approach and the development process of a Local Development Strategy in implementation of a project under sub-measure 19.1. “Assistance for preparatory activities” of Measure 19 “Community-led local development” in SNC “MIG KARLUKOVSKI KARST – RED BEACH”
Програма за развитие на селските райони 2014-2020г.