About us
“Open Hand” Foundation
“Open Hand” Foundation is registered in 2015. The organization has a team with experience in the development and management of projects under various development programs in Bulgaria and Europe Union. The main goal of the Foundation is to encourage and assist in the promotion of different forms of education and in particular: Improving the conditions for equal access to education, increasing the quality of adult education and the development of different forms of lifelong learning, increasing the qualification of pedagogical specialists, creating an appropriate socio-psychological climate in the educational sphere, ensuring access to minority groups and improving their conditions for realization, promoting investments in science, conducting educational practices, improving the system for career growth.

The activities we carry out:
- Support for the region with the aim of turning it into an economically stable region with a high standard of living;
- Support for the development of innovations in adult education;
- Investments in the development of human resources;
- Support for increasing the adaptability of the workforce to market requirements;
- Organization and conduct of trainings, seminars, conferences, qualification and requalification courses for all age and social groups.
- Creation, management and implementation of development strategies.
- Development of analyses, reports and program documents, implementation of research programs, sociological surveys, expert and consulting activities.
- Creation of partnership relations with universities, research institutes, state and local administration, implementation of various forms of training and professional qualification.
- Development, adaptation and introduction of human resource development systems;
- Introduction of innovations, new teaching and educational methods.
- Conducting information campaigns, round tables, demonstration days, broadcast of TV clips and reports, etc.
- Activities related to work with ethnic minorities, marginalized groups of different ethnicities, seeking or granted international protection or vulnerable groups.