Project: BG05SFOP001-2.025-0145 “Informed civil society for the implementation and monitoring of policies and legislation in the municipality of Pirdop”

Project: BG05SFOP001-2.025-0145 “Informed civil society for the implementation and monitoring of policies and legislation in the municipality of Pirdop”

Project: BG05SFOP001-2.025-0145 “Informed civil society for implementation and monitoring of policies and legislation in the municipality of Pirdop”, financed under administrative grant contract No. BG05SFOP001-2.025-0145-С01/23.08.2022, Procedure BG05SFOP001-2.025 “Increasing citizen participation in the processes of implementation and monitoring of policies and legislation”, priority axis No. 2 “Effective and professional management in partnership with civil society and business”, Operational Program “Good Governance”.


The overall goal of the project proposal is the development and stimulation of partnership mechanisms between civil society, the non-governmental sector, business and local government, in the process of implementing development policies of the Municipality of Pirdop, monitoring mechanisms – a guarantee of open and responsible management.



Total budget: BGN 60,000.00, of which BGN 51,000.00 European funding and BGN 9,000.00 national co-financing

Start: 23.08.2022

End: 23.08.2023


Specific objectives:

  1. Research, identification and analyzes of mechanisms for partnership and interaction between the administration and citizens and businesses in the Municipality of Pirdop, in the process of formulation/reformulation of adequate policies at the local level, reflecting the current needs of the community and the target group; Specific objective 1 is in accordance with objective 1 of Procedure BG05SFOP001-2.025 – Partnership management with citizens and businesses;
  2. Introducing new tools and forms to increase and stimulate the activity of the non-governmental sector and business in the process of implementation and monitoring of policies by the local administration. Specific objective 2 is in accordance with objective 1 of Procedure BG05SFOP001-2.025 – Partnership management with citizens and businesses;
  3. Formulation of clearly defined recommendations to the local administration regarding the forms and their effectiveness to increase and stimulate civil participation, the non-governmental sector and that of business in the process of formulation/reformulation of policies, open and responsible behavior during their implementation and opportunities for monitoring and monitoring. Specific Objective 3 is consistent with Objective 2 of Procedure BG05SFOP001-2.025 – Open and Accountable Governance.;
  4. Raising the awareness of the target group regarding the possible forms, mechanisms and tools for civil participation in the processes of formulation, reformulation, implementation and monitoring of policies and legislation on the territory of the Municipality of Pirdop. Specific objective 4 is in accordance with objective 1 of Procedure BG05SFOP001-2.025 – Partnership management with citizens and businesses.



Target groups: The project proposal will satisfy the need to strengthen civil participation, in the process of implementing decisions and monitoring policies and legislation adequate to public needs in the Municipality of Pirdop. Active citizen participation is based on the implementation of the principles of transparency, openness and efficiency of local government and is a condition for the good functioning of local administration.

The target groups that will be covered by the project proposal are: the active civil society, incl. the representatives of the business, non-governmental sector, the employees of the local administration Pirdop Municipality.



Activity №1: Research, identification, analyses, consultations in the process of formulating clearly defined recommendations for working tools and forms to increase and stimulate the activity of the non-governmental sector, civil society and business in the process of formulation/reformulation, implementation and monitoring of policies adequate to needs of the target group in Pirdop municipality.

  • Carrying out research and analysis on the awareness of civil society, including business, NGOs regarding forms and mechanisms for participation in the process of formulation/reformulation, implementation and monitoring of policies and legislation. (to Sp. objective #1, target group civil society, non-governmental sector and business)


  • Carrying out research and analysis of the attitudes of local authorities to partner with representatives of civil society, including non-governmental organizations, business representatives, etc., stimulating various forms of partnership in the process of implementing and monitoring policies and legislation and ensuring open and responsible management, adequate to the needs of the community.


  • As a result of the studies, analyzes and consultations carried out, new tools and forms were introduced to increase and stimulate the activity of the non-governmental sector and business in the process of implementation and monitoring of policies by the local administration. After the results of the two surveys have been analyzed and the report of the expert from the local administration is ready, a series of meetings will be held – face-to-face or online (depending on the pandemic situation), results will be presented – proposals that will be shaped as concrete proposals and will be discussed with the representatives of the local administration in meetings between NGOs, business and local administration.


  • At these meetings, proposals and opportunities for creating forms of partnership between all parties in the process of formulation/reformulation, implementation and monitoring of adequate policies and legislation at the local level will be discussed.


  • Formulation of clearly defined recommendations to the local administration regarding the forms and their effectiveness to increase and stimulate civil and business participation in the policy formulation/reformulation process, open and responsible behavior during their implementation and opportunities for monitoring and surveillance and the introduction them through an official report in the Municipality of Pirdop.


Activity №2: Information campaign among the target group

  • Conducting an information campaign for the target group – 1 pc. (in a hall with a capacity of at least 200 people, prepared presentation, provided multimedia equipment and the necessary equipment, printer, laptop, etc. to hold the event on 4 consecutive days)
  • Broadcasting of 1 radio spot on local radio (4 times) and two publications in a local weekly
  • Production and distribution of 500 flyers (A5 format, full-color printing, paper weight – 120 g/sq.m.).
  • Informed target group.

Expected results:

  • Identified mechanisms for partnership between the administration, civil society, non-governmental sector and business in the Municipality of Pirdop – studies and analyses.
  • Implemented tools to increase the activity of the non-governmental sector and business and carried out consultations.
  • Recommendations made to the local administration regarding the forms and their effectiveness for increasing civil and business participation in the policy reformulation process, as well as forms for open and responsible behavior during their implementation and opportunities for monitoring and surveillance.
  • Increased awareness of the target group regarding the forms of civil participation in the processes of implementation and monitoring of policies and legislation.